“The true character of the usurper, and his real object, must be understood by all.”  

·             Eze. 28:15. Was perfect when created.  

·             Eze. 28:12. Full of wisdom, perfect in beauty. P.P. 35.  

·             Eze. 28:14. Covering cherub.  

·             Eze. 28:17. Proud of his beauty.  

·             Eze. 28:17. Pride ruined his wisdom.

·             Isa. 14:13. Coveted higher position. P.P. 36.  

·             Isa. 14:14. Coveted the throne of God.  

·             Rev. 12:7. Other angels affected. P.P. 37, 39, T., v. 3, p. 328.  

·             Rev. 12:7. Christ and loyal angels fought against Satan and his angels.  

·             Rev. 12:8. Satan was defeated.  

·             Isa. 14:12. Satan cast out of heaven. D.A. 493.  

·             Rev. 12:9. His angels cast out with him. P.P. 41.  

·             Rev. 12:9. Cast to this earth.  

·             Gen. 3:1-6. He caused our first parents to sin. P.P. 53-59.  

·             Rom. 6:16. Gained Adam’s dominion.  

·             Eph. 2:2. Prince of the power of the air.  

·             John 14:30. The Saviour called him the prince of this world. D.A. 123, 679.  

Second Fall of Satan

·             1 Kings 22:19-22. Although Satan and his angels had been cast from heaven, they still could appear in the counsels of the Lord at the gate of heaven.  

·             Job 1:6. Satan met with the sons of God.  

·             Luke 3:38. Adam as the prince of this earth was called a “son of God.”  

·             2 Peter 2:19. Satan usurped Adam’s position.  

·             Job 1:7. He represented the earth in the council.  

·             Job 1:9-11. Accused God of being arbitrary.  

·             Job 1:12-22. When given power only destroyed.  

·             John 14:30. Satan has no part in Christ, who was a sinless son of Adam.  

·             John 12:31-33. Christ’s death judged Satan. D.A. 490.  

·             John 12:31. Christ’s death cast Satan out of his place.  

·             Luke 10:18. He fell as lightening from heaven.  

·             Rev. 12:10. A shout rang through heaven when the accuser was cast out.  

·             2 Peter 2:19; Heb. 2:14. Christ overcame Satan, and is now the representative of this world.

·             Heb. 2:17. Instead of the accuser at the gate of heaven, we have a merciful High Priest.  

·             Heb. 4:14-16. One who loves to be merciful to us.  

Third Fall of Satan

·             Rev. 20:1-3. It does not take Christ or a host of angels to overcome Satan; one angel binds him.

·             Rev. 20:3. He is confined to his own territory.

·             Jer. 4:23-26; Isa. 24:19-21. Sin has made the earth a dark abyss.

·             1 Thess. 4:16, 17. Righteous in heaven.  

·             Jer. 25:31-33. Wicked all dead.  

·             Rev. 20:3. Satan is alone with the evil angels for 1000 years. He is bound by circumstances; the righteous are in heaven, the wicked dead, there is no one for him to tempt.  

·             Rev.20:5. The wicked live again at the end of 1000 years.  

·             Rev. 20:7. This gives Satan work, and he is said to be “loosed.”  

·             Rev. 20:8. Deceives the wicked.  

·             Rev. 20:9. As they gather for battle all are destroyed.  

·             Heb. 2:14. Christ died to destroy Satan.  

·             Rev. 20:10. As long as Satan lives in the fire he suffers torment, but as sure as Christ died, Satan will die when he has suffered the penalty for sin.  

·             Eze. 28:18, 19. Satan becomes ashes on the earth in the sight of the righteous. D.A. 490.  

·             Mal. 4:1-3. Ashes on the new earth is all that remains of Satan and sinners.

Ancient Spiritualism

·             Ex. 7:11-13. Sorcerers (spiritualist mediums) influenced Pharaoh.  

·             Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27; Ex. 22:18; Deut. 18:10-12. Spiritualist mediums, anciently called witches and wizards, were an abomination. G.C. 556.  

·             2 Kings 1:1-4. Consulted in case of sickness. T., v. 5, pp. 191-199.  

·             1 Sam. 28:8, 11. Familiar spirits profess to be spirits of dead people.  

·             1 Chron. 10:13. Saul’s crowning sin was consulting familiar spirits.  

·             2 Chron. 33:1-6. Manasseh dealt with familiar spirits.  

·             2 Kings 17:17, 18. Israel went into captivity because they “used divinations and enchantments.”  

·             Deut. 18:9-14; 2 Kings 17:15-18. The heathen nations were spiritualists; they dealt with familiar spirits.  

·             2 Kings 17:16, 17. Spiritualism always connected with Baal-or sun-worship.  

·             Deut. 32:17; Ps. 106:37; Lev. 17:7. The heathen Baal-worship was devil-worship. This was the principal adversary against the cause of God until about the sixth century A.D.

·             Gen. 3:1-6. The first spiritualist medium was the serpent. The devil spoke directly through the serpent.  

·             Isa. 8:19, 20. When asked to consult with familiar spirits, turn to the law and to the testimony.  

Modern Spiritualism

·             Rev. 16:13-15. Unclean spirits will speak through great powers of earth in the last days.  

·             Rev. 13:1-14. As the prophetic period of 1260 years was closing, a nation was seen arising. The United States arose at that time. Out of this nation a miracle-working power was to arise. About 1848 modern spiritualism began to attract attention through the Fox sisters of New York.

·             Acts 8:9; 13:6-10; Rev. 9:20, 21. Sorcery was an evil in New Testament times.

·             Rev. 18:2. Modern Babylon becomes “the hold of every foul spirit.”

·             1 Cor. 10:20. Gentiles worshiped devils.  

·             Job 14:14, 20, 21; 7:8-10. The dead do not know what takes place after their death.

·             Ps. 146:3, 4. Their power to think ceases.  

·             Eccl. 9:5, 6. The dead do not know anything; hence, a spirit purporting to be a spirit of any dead person, must be wicked spirit trying to deceive.  

·             Rev. 16:14; 13:14. The devil can work miracles. G.C. 553, 554.  

·             2 Cor. 11:13-15. The devil can appear as an angel of light; hence, can easily personate the dead. G.C. 552. {

·             Rev. 16:13-15. Spiritualism will be a bond uniting different earthly powers together for the “battle of that great day of God Almighty.” T., v. 5, p. 451.