“Our duty will only be discerned and appreciated when viewed in the light which shines from the life of Christ.” T., v. 3, p. 403. 

Our Duty to God

·             Job 23:12. We should esteem God’s word above food. 

·             Deut. 6:5; Luke 10:27. Love God with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength. T., v. 8, p. 139.

·             1 Sam. 12:24; Rom. 12:11. Serve Him with the whole heart. 

·             1 Cor. 6:19, 20. Glorify God in our bodies. 

·             Matt. 6:24; Luke 14:33. Give Him unreserved service. 

·             Mark 8:34. Deny self and take up our cross daily. 

·             Matt.19:21, 28, 29. Give all for Christ. 

·             Rev. 3:16. Want of full consecration condemned.

·             Ex. 22:29; Prov. 3:9. Honor God with our substance. T., v. 4, pp.76, 77. 

·             1 Thess. 2:12. Walk worthy of God. 

·             1 Cor. 10:31. Do all to God’s glory. 

Our Duty to the Nation

·             Rom. 13:1. God ordained the nations. 

·             Matt. 22:19-21. Render the nation all the honor that belongs to it. 

·             Rom. 13:1. Be subject to the nation. T., v. 1, pp. 361, 201, 202. 

·             Rom. 13:1, 2. Disrespect for the just claims of the nation is showing disrespect to God. 

·             Rom. 13:3, 4. Nations are ministers under God for good. 

·             Dan. 4:13-18; 10:20; 11:1. Angels watch over the nations. T., v. 1, p. 203. 

·             1 Tim. 2:1-3. Pray for the rulers of the nation. 

·             Prov. 8:15, 16. God establishes national rulers. 

·             Acts 5:29. When nations step over the boundary and enforce laws contrary to God’s requirements, then the Christian should always obey God rather than men.