“Every business transaction is to be fragrant with the presence of God.” “Religion and business are not two separate things; they are one.”  

·             Rom. 12:17. Be honest in the sight of all men. D.A. 73; T., v. 7, p. 248.  

·             Heb. 13:18. Be willing in all things to live honestly. T., v. 4, p. 285.

·             Rom. 12:11. Not slothful in business. T., v. 5, p. 178.  

·             Prov. 22:29. Diligence in business wins respect.  

·             1 Thess. 4:11. Study to do your own business.  

·             Lev. 19:36. Have just measurers and weights.  

·             Prov. 22:22. Never rob nor oppress poor. T., v. 5, p. 350.  

·             Ex. 22:22, 23. Never afflict widows or orphans. T., v. 4, pp. 494, 495.  

·             Ex. 22:21. Neither vex nor oppress a stranger. T., v. 6, p. 274.  

·             Lev. 19:13. Pay hired help at the close of each day.  

·             Lev. 19:11. Never steal nor deal falsely. D.A. 556.  

·             Mal. 3:5. God will punish those who do not regard the above principles. T., v. 4, pp. 309, 310.

·             Jer. 17:11. Ill-gotten riches do not profit. T., v. 4, p. 540.  

·             Jas. 5:1-6. Such riches are corrupted.  

·             Isa. 2:17-20; Rev. 6:15; Prov. 11:4. Riches profit not in the day of wrath.  

·             Luke 12:20, 21. It is foolish to lay up treasure and not be rich toward God.  

·             Mal. 3:8. Some men rob God. T., v. 3, p. 394.

·             Mal. 3:9. Those who rob God are cursed. T., v. 3, p. 269.  

Safe Counsel for Business Men

·             Prov. 3:9, 10. “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first-fruits of all thine increase.” T., v. 6, 384.  

·             Mal. 3:10. Pay an honest tithe. E. 138, 44.  

·             Prov. 22:26. Never be surety for debts.  

·             Prov. 11:15. “He that is surety. . . shall smart for it.”  

·             Prov. 6:1, 2. He is snared who is surety for either friend or stranger. T., v. 1, p. 200.

·             Prov. 17:18. One void of understanding is surety for a friend.

·             Prov. 11:15. “He hath hateth suretiship is sure.”  

·             Rom. 13:8. Owe no man anything. T., v. 5, p. 179.  

·             Prov. 22:7. Borrower is servant to the lender.  

·             Ex. 22:14, 15. If you borrow and the goods are damaged in your hands, make them good.  

·             Prov. 10:4. The diligent gain riches.  

·             Prov. 28:19. He that tilleth land shall have plenty.  

·             Eccl. 10:10. Never work with blunt tools.  

·             Prov. 27:23. Be diligent in looking after your flocks and herds.  

·             Prov. 11:25. The liberal soul shall be made fat.  

·             Lev. 25:35-37. Never take usury from a poor brother.  

·             Deut. 23:19, 20. You can receive interest on money lent a stranger.  

·             Titus 3:14, margin. Be sure you profess an honest trade. E. 218.  

·             Hab. 2:15. The liquor-seller is cursed.  

·             Prov. 10:4. He becometh poor that deals with a slack hand.  

·             Prov. 20:4. The sluggard shall have nothing.  

·             Prov. 19:15. An idle soul shall suffer hunger.  

·             Prov. 22:16; 28:8. “He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches. . . shall surely come to want.”  

·             Matt. 7:12. Keep the Golden Rule. T., v. 5, p. 335.  

·             Micah 6:8. Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.  

Where the Danger Lies

·             1 Tim. 6:10. The love of money is the root of all evil.  

·             Eccl. 5:10. He that loveth silver shall not prosper.  

·             Prov. 28:22. He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye. T., v. 4, p. 351.  

·             Prov. 15:27. He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house. T., v. 4, p. 37.  

·             1 Tim. 6:9. They that will be rich fall into temptations, snares, and hurtful lusts.  

·             Ps. 62:10. If riches increase, set not your heart upon them. T., v. 3, p. 403.  

·             Jer. 9:23. Let not the rich man glory in his riches.  

·             Prov. 11:28. He that trusteth in his riches shall fall.  

·             Mark 10:24. It is hard for them that trust in riches to enter heaven.  

·             Deut. 8:18. Never forget that it is God that giveth power to get wealth. T., v. 2, 278, 279.  

·             Hosea 2:8. Those that trust in riches, forget that God increases wealth.  

·             Prov. 23:5. Riches may fly away.  

·             Haggai 1:6-9. God can scatter them if they are not used for His glory. T., v. 2, pp. 281, 282.

·             1 Sam. 2:7. The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich.  

·             Prov. 22:2. The rich and the poor meet together, and the Lord is the Maker of them all.  

God Honors both Rich and Poor

·             Prov. 30:8. “Give me neither poverty nor riches.”  

·             Ps. 112:1-5. Wealth and riches will be with those that use them to God’s glory.  

·             Gen. 13:2. “Abraham was very rich.”  

·             Gen. 26:12-14. Isaac, a wealthy farmer, gathered one-hundred fold from seed sown.  

·             2 Chron. 1:11, 12. Riches given Solomon.  

·             Deut. 28:1-5. Temporal blessings promised the obedient.

·             Deut. 28:12, 13. God designs His people shall prosper financially.  

·             1 Chron. 4:9, 10. The one that honors the Lord with his substance can be trusted with wealth.

·             Ps. 109:30, 31. God stands at the right hand of the poor.  

·             Ps. 140:12. God maintains the right of the poor.  

·             Prov. 17:5. He that mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker.

·             Prov. 28:6. Better to be poor than perverse.  

·             Num. 18:20. Those who attend to the Lord’s work have no inheritance among the people.  

·             Num. 18:21. They are to be supported from the tithe.  

·             Neh. 13:10, 11. When God’s workers given their attention to worldly business, the work of God suffers.