“As Jesus rested by faith in the Father’s care, so we are to rest in the care of our Saviour. . . Living faith in the Redeemer will smooth the sea of life.” “Faith is the spiritual hand that touches infinity.” D.A. 336; T., v. 6, p. 467.  

Degrees of Faith

·             Heb. 11:6. Faith is an absolute necessity in the Christian life.  

·             Deut. 32:20; 2 Thess. 3:2. The wicked have no faith.  

·             Rom. 12:3. Degrees in Christian character are shown by the measure of faith possessed. D.A. 347.

·             Luke 12:28. Some have “little faith.” M.H. 66.  

·             Rom. 14:1. Others are “weak in faith.” C.O.L. 147.  

·             Matt. 15:28. The Syrophenician woman had “great faith.” D.A. 400-402.  

·             Acts 11:24. Barnabas was “full of faith.”  

·             Luke 17:5. Pray for an increase of faith.  

·             Luke 22:31, 32. Pray that our faith fails not.  

·             Jas. 2:5. Be rich in faith.

·             2 Tim. 1:5. The faith must be “unfeigned.”  

·             2 Peter 1:1. Obtained precious faith.  

·             2 Peter 1:5-8. Faith is the foundation upon which godly character is built. A.A. 529, 530.  

·             Eph. 6:16. Faith will shield us from evil.  

Faith a Gift

·             Heb. 12:2. Jesus is the “author and finisher of our faith.” T., v. 5, p. 229.  

·             John 1:1, 14. Christ is the living Word.  

·             Rom. 10:17. Since Christ, the living Word, is the author of our faith, we receive faith for reading the Word. C.O.L. 112.  

·             Eph. 2:8. It is a gift from God, which we receive through the channel of His word.

·             Jas. 2:18. Faith is shown by our works.  

·             Jas. 2:17. Without work faith dies.  

·             Jas. 2:22. Faith made perfect by works. T., v. 5, p. 200.

·             Rom. 5:1. Justified by faith.  

·             Rom. 4:5. Faith counted for righteousness.  

·             Gal. 2:16. Faith, not works, justifies.  

·             Jas. 2:24-26. Faith without works will save no one.  

·             Gal. 5:6. Faith works by love.  

·             Eph. 3:17. Faith makes Christ’s presence a reality. D.A. 123.  

·             Gal. 2:20. The Christian life is a life of faith. D.A. 389.

Faith That Works

·             Heb. 11:1, margin. “Faith is the ground, or confidence, of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  

·             Mark 11:24. Faith brings answers to prayers. T., v. 6, p. 467.

·             Luke 8:43-48. Faith restores diseased organs.  

·             Luke 17:11-19. Faith can restore the body as well as the soul. D.A. 202.

·             Jas. 5:13-16. The prayer of faith will save the sick.  

·             Mark 10:46-52. Faith will restore physical sight.  

·             Matt. 9:27-30. We receive both physical and spiritual strength according to our faith. M.H. 62.

·             Luke 5:18-26. There is a close relationship between the healing of the body and cleansing from sin.

·             Matt. 6:30-34. The Christian who fails to have faith about temporal things, loses much of the sweetness of trusting in God. T., v. 6., p. 171.

·             Matt. 8:23-27. “Little faith” fears the elements. D.A. 334, 335.

·             Jas. 5:16-18. Faith can control the elements.

·             1 Cor. 13:1-3. A faith that can even control the elements of nature is of no value, unless it serves as a foundation of a Christian character worked out in daily acts of love.

·             1 Cor. 13:4-11. A living faith will enable a man to control his temper.

·             Jas. 1:26. A living faith will control the tongue.

Door of Faith

·             Acts 14:27. There is a “door of faith.”  

·             Gal. 6:10. When we enter this door, we become members of the “household of faith.”

·             1 Cor. 16:13. We are to “stand fast in the faith.”

·             2 Cor. 5:7. “We walk by faith.” P.K. 175.

·             1 Thess. 1:3. The Christian will do the “work of faith.” P.K. 164.

·             1 Tim. 5:8. Some will deny the faith.

·             1 Tim. 6:10. Love of money will cause some to err from the faith. P.K. 177.  

·             1 Tim. 6:20, 21. Worldly science will cause some to err concerning the faith. P.K. 178.

·             2 Tim. 3:8. Those of corrupt minds are reprobates concerning the faith.  

·             1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 2:17, 18. Spiritualism and false doctrine will cause some to depart from the faith.  

·             1 Tim. 1:19, 20. To give up faith means shipwreck of life.

·             2 Cor. 13:5. We are to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.

·             1 Tim. 3:13. A righteous life will have boldness in faith.

·             1 Tim. 6:11, 12. We are to “fight the good fight to faith.”

·             Jude 3. Earnestly contend for the faith.

·             Jude 20. Build ourselves up in the faith. P.K. 732.  

·             1 John 5:4. Faith will overcome the world. T., v. 5, p. 199.