Apparel of the Apostate Wife of Christ  

·             Isa. 3:16-24. Fashions of the world.  

·             Isa. 64:6. Self-righteousness.  

Apparel of the True Wife of Christ

·             1 Peter 3:1-5. Free from unnecessary adornments.  

·             1 Tim. 2:9, 10. Modest apparel.  

·             Isa. 61:10. Robe of righteousness.  

Diet of Apostate Wife of Christ

·             Isa. 65:3, 4; 66:17. Swine’s flesh.  

·             Isa. 22:12-14. Flesh of sheep and oxen.  

·             Prov. 23:20. Wine and flesh.  

·             Prov. 23:29-32. Mixed wine.  

·             Eze. 22:26-28. Traditions.  

Diet of the True Wife of Christ

·             Gen. 1:29. Fruits, nuts and grains.  

·             Lev. 11:1-28. Clean food.  

·             John 6:51, 63. Feed on the word of God.  

·             Ps. 119:103. God’s Word sweet to the taste.