“Never allow anyone’s ideas to unsettle your faith in regard to order and harmony which should exist in the church.” T., v. 5, p. 274.  

·             Deut. 1:15. Ancient organization same as the present.  

God is the center of all organization; next to God stands His prophet, or mouthpiece; then follows: –

1. Leader “over thousands,”-General Conference.

2. Leader “over hundreds,”-union conferences.

3. Leader “over fifties,”-local conferences.

4. Leader “over tens,:” -churches.  

Besides, officers or secretaries to attend to the different branches of the work. E. 37; A.A.93, 94.  

·             1 Cor. 14:33, 40. Order in the Christian church. A.A. 163, 164, 185, 186.  

·             1 Tim. 4:14. Ministers ordained by the presbytery. A.A. 18, 161, 162, 503, 504.  

·             1 Cor. 16:1, 2. Uniform system throughout the churches. A.A. 91, 270, 317, 318.  

·             Acts 15:1-4. Perplexing questions referred from local churches to the conference. A.A. 195-197.

·             Acts 15:1-4. Council held at the head of the work.

·             Acts 15:23-25. Report of decision sent to all the churches.

·             Acts 15:30, 31. Document first read in the church where the trouble arose.

·             Acts 16:1, 4, 5. Afterwards read in other churches.

·             Acts 8:26, 29; 19:21, 22. While there was perfect organization, yet each worker was free to work as God directed. A.A. 164, 200, 405.  

·             Titus 1:5. Churches could not ordain their own local elders.  

Organization of Local Churches Officers


·             Titus 1:5. Elders or bishops. A.A. 95, 96.  

·             1 Tim. 3:13. Deacons. A.A. 88, 89.

·             Rom. 16:1, 2. Deaconess (Alford’s Translation).  

·             Phil. 1:1. Sometimes more than one elder, also more than one deacon.  

Duty of Elders, Or Bishops

·             1 Tim. 3:1-3. Blameless character, apt to teach.  

·             1 Tim. 3:4, 5. Good control over his own household and children.

·             1 Tim. 3:7. Must be respected by people outside the church.  

·             Titus 1:9. Sound in faith, and able to exhort and convince the gainsayers.  

·             Titus 1:10-13. Rebuke the unruly members who cause trouble in the church.  

·             1 Tim. 3:6, margin. Should be one of experience.  

Duty of Deacons

·             Acts 6:1-5. To look after the temporal business of the church.  

·             1 Tim. 3:8, 9. Blameless character, those who never violate their conscience.  

·             1 Tim. 3:12. Must control their own children and households.  

·             1 Tim. 3:10. Proved before they are ordained.  

·             1 Tim. 3:13; Acts 6:8. Faithful deacons are valuable workers. T., v. 5, p. 304.  

Duty of Deaconesses

·             Rom. 16:1, 2. Attend to business connected with the church, especially to succor those in need.