“Every redeemed one will understand the ministry of angels in his own life. The angel who was his guardian from his earliest moment; the angel who watched his steps, and covered his head in the day of peril; the angel who was with him in the valley of the shadow of death, who marked his resting-place, who was the first to greet him in the resurrection-morning, -what will it be to hold converse with him, and to learn the history of divine interposition in the individual life, of heavenly cooperation in every work for humanity! 

“All the perplexities of life’s experience will then be made plain. Where it us have appeared only confusion and disappointment, broken purposes and thwarted plans, will be seen a grand, overruling, victorious purpose, a divine harmony.” E. 305. 

Who Are the Angels?

·             Ps. 8:4, 5; Heb. 2:2, 7. Man was made lower than the angels; therefore, angels are not men.

·             Heb. 1:7. Angels were made spirits. 

·             1 Cor. 15:44-46. Because they are made spirits, it does not mean that they do not have bodies.

·             Eze. 10:12, margin. Angels have flesh, backs, and hands. They are real, tangible bodies.

·             Gen. 19:1-3. They ate and drank with Lot in Sodom. 

·             Gen 3:22-24. They were sent to guard the way of the tree of life before the first man died; therefore, they are an entirely different order of beings from man. 

·             Num. 22:22-27. While they are invisible to the naked eye, yet God has opened the eyes of even animals to see them. 

·             Num. 22:31-35. When God opens the eyes of men, they can see the angels.

·             Rev. 1:1. Angels are sent to communicate God’s messages to prophets. 

·             Rev. 19:10. Could men see and sense the sacredness of these messengers of God, they would worship them. 

The Work of Good and Evil Angels

·             John 8:44. Satan once abode in the truth, but he lost his first estate. 

·             Jude 6. Other angels fell. 

·             2 Peter 2:4. They sinned. 

·             1 John 3:4. Disobeyed the law of God. 

·             Rev. 12:7-9. Satan and evil angels cast from heaven. 

·             Rev. 13:14; 16:14. Evil angels work miracles. 

·             Job 1:6-19. Have power over the elements. T., v. 9, p. 93.

·             Ps. 103:20. Good angels excel in strength. 

·             2 Chron. 32:21; 2 Kings 19:35. One loyal angel slew 185,000 men in one night. 

·             Acts 12:23. Herod smitten by an angel. 

·             Ps. 34:7. Good angels protect God’s people. D.A. 142, 143.

·             Acts 5:19. Open prison doors. 

·             Dan. 6:22. Animals subject to them. 

·             Rev. 14:18. Have power over fire. 

·             Rev. 21:12. Gate keepers. E.W. 39, 37. 

·             Acts 8:26. They direct God’s people.

·             Heb. 1:13, 14. All minister to humanity. T., v. 3, pp. 381, 516. 

·             Matt. 18:10. Each child of God has a guardian angel. T., v. 3, p. 364. 

·             Isa. 37:14-36; Dan. 9:20-23. Answer prayer. D.A. 112. 

·             Dan. 4:13-17; 11:1; 10:20. Control the affairs of nations. E. 305. 

·             Ex. 23:20-22. Went before Israel in the wilderness. 

·             Acts 1:9-11. Escorted Jesus into heaven. T, v. 6, p. 309. 

·             Gen. 18:1-3; Heb. 13:2. Entertained on earth. T., v. 6, p. 342; E. 304. 

·             Matt. 13:39; Rev. 14:15-20. Reap the harvest of the earth. 

·             Matt. 24:31. Gather the righteous. 

·             Dan. 7:9, 10. Present when the judgment opened. 

Things Angels Know

·             Acts 10:3, 4. When we pray and whether we give alms or not. T., v. 3, pp. 363, 364. 

·             Acts 10:5. Both our given and surname. 

·             Acts 10:6. Where we lodge and our occupation. 

·             Judges 13:3-14. How to instruct parents in training their children. D.A. 517. 

·             1 Kings 19:5-8. How to prepare food. 

·             2 Kings 1:2, 3. Whether we inquire of spiritualist mediums or not. D.A. 259. 

·             2 Chron. 32:21. The rank or office men fill. 

·             Gen. 16:7, 8. Names of servants and mistresses. 

·             Eccl. 5:6. Take notice of words spoken. T., v. 3, p. 312, v. 5, p. 59. 

Different Orders of Angels

·             Luke 1:19. Angels stand in the presence of God.  

·             Matt. 18:10. Behold God’s face. 

·             Eze. 1:14. More swiftly like lightening. 

·             Rev. 5:11. More than 100,000,000. 

·             Ps. 68:17. God’s chariots composed of angels. 

·             Isa. 6:2, 6. Seraphim have their work. 

·             Ex. 25:16-18. The cherubim were at either end of the mercy-seat. 

·             Ps. 80:1. God dwells between the cherubim. 

·             Eze. 28:14. Before his fall Satan was a covering cherub. 

·             Dan. 10:21. Gabriel is the angel of prophecy. 

·             Rev. 14:18. One angel has power over fire. 

·             Rev. 16:5. There is an angel of the waters. 

·             Rev. 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14. Seven angels have charge of the messages to the seven churches.

·             Rev. 7:1. Four angels control war. 

·             Rev. 7:2; Eze. 9:2-4. Angel in charge of the sealing work. 

·             Rev. 8:2. Seven angels in charge of the sounding of the seven trumpets. 

·             Rev. 10:1-10. A mighty angel opened the little prophetic book. 

·             Rev. 14:6-12. The last warning messages are in charge of three angels. 

·             Rev. 15:1. Seven angels pour out the last plagues. 

·             Rev. 18:1-3. The angel of the loud cry. 

·             Matt. 25:31; Rev. 19:14. The angels are perfectly organized, appear like armies as they come with Christ. 

·             Rev. 19:17. One angel calls the fowls to the great supper. 

·             Rev. 20:1. To another is given the work of binding Satan. 

Gabriel, the Angel of Prophecy

·             Luke 1:19. Stands in presence of God. D.A. 98, 99. 

·             Dan. 9:21. Appeared in vision to Daniel. 

·             Dan. 10:21. There is none but Michael, or Christ, that unite with Gabriel in revealing prophecy.

·             Rev. 1:1-3. Four steps in giving prophecy; 1st, God; 2nd, Christ; 3rd, angel; 4th, the prophet. D.A. 234.

·             Rev. 22:16, 6. Christ’s own angel.

·             Luke 22:43; Matt. 28:2. Strengthened Him in the garden, and called Him from the grave. D.A. 693, 779, 780. 

·             Dan. 8:15-25; 9:21-26. Not only reveals prophecy, but explains it to the prophets. 

·             Dan. 10:20; 11:1. Also influences individuals to work for the fulfillment of the prophecy. P.K. 571, 572.

·             Isa. 7:14; Luke 1:26-38. When the time came for the fulfillment of the prophecy, Gabriel announced the fact to one who should fulfill it. 

·             Luke 1:5-20. Comes from the presence of God to the one interested in the fulfillment of prophecy. 

·             Gen. 24:1-48. “His angel” goes before the one interested in carrying out the plan of God. 

·             Rev. 22:9. The fellow servant of John, the prophets, and those who keep the sayings of Revelation. Gabriel is the servant and will go before the individual who will give his life to assist in fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation.