Prayer is the link that connects us with Christ; or, as it is sometimes stated, “Prayer is the key that opens heaven.” Few realize the mighty power there is in the prayer of faith. 

“The prayer of the humble suppliant Christ presents as His own desire in that soul’s behalf. Every sincere prayer is heard in heaven. It may not be fluently expressed; but it the heart is in it, it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers, and He will present it to the Father without one awkward, stammering word, beautiful and fragrant with the incense of His own perfection.” D.A. 667. 

Preparation for Prevailing Prayer

·             Heb. 11:6. “He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” D.A. 200. 

·             Matt. 6:12-15. We must forgive those that have wronged us as we wish God to forgive us.

·             Matt. 5:23-25. If others have anything against us, we should seek to make it right.

·             Ps. 66:18. There should be a hatred of sin. God hears prayer when the sinner is ready to exchange sin for righteousness.

·             Prov. 28:9. There must be an obedient mind. The transgressor of the law is heard if he is willing to obey. T., v. 9, p. 164.

·             John 15:16. Our requests must be presented in the name of Jesus. D.A. 668. 

·             Job 35:13. Pride and vanity should be put away. 

·             Jas. 1:6, 7. The individual that one day asks God to help him overcome sin and the next day chooses sin, cannot expect help. 

Answered Prayer

·             Rom. 8:26, 27. “The spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” 

·             Dan. 9:21-23. Prayers are sometimes answered immediately. 

·             Luke 18:2-7. Sometimes after delay. C.O.L. 142, 143. 

·             2 Cor. 12:8, 9. As earthly parents who really love their children will give them what is best rather that what they cry for, so God sometimes answers our prayers different from our desires.

·             Jer. 33:3; Eph. 3:29. God often gives us far more than we ever think of asking for. 

·             Jas. 5:14-16. The sick will be healed in answer to the prayer of faith.

·             1 John 5:14. All requests are to be according to God’s will. M.H. 229. 

·             1 John 3:22. The one who obeys God can expect answers to his prayers. 

·             Phil. 4:6. With thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 

·             Col. 4:2. “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.” 

·             Matt. 21:22; Jas. 1:6. Prayer is carried on the wings of faith. D.A. 126. 

·             2 Chron. 30:27. Prayers of faith enter God’s holy dwelling place in heaven. A.A. 564. 

·             Acts 12:5-11. Angels are sent to answer the prayers of God’s people. C.O.L. 341, 342. 

Secret Prayer

·             Matt. 6:6. If we grow in grace, we must have seasons of secret communion with the Lord. T., v. 6, pp. 47, 50; v. 5, p. 161. 

·             Mark 1:35. If the day is crowded with cares, we can do as the Saviour did, – arise before daylight in the morning and spend the time alone with God. 

·             Matt. 14:23. The Saviour also spent time alone with the Father after the perplexities of the day were past. 

·             Ps. 55:17. At “evening, and morning, and at noon” there should be special seasons of prayer.

·             Ps. 88:1, 2. We may pray during the day or night. G.C. 210. 

·             1 Thess. 5:17. We should be in a prayerful form of mind continually. T., v. 5, pp. 200, 201.

·             Job 22:27, 28. It is the privilege of the Christian to believe that his prayer is heard.

·             Isa. 43:26. The Lord is pleased when we plead the promises He has made.

·             Isa. 41:21. God invites us to produce our cause, and bring forth our strong reasons.

·             Luke 11:1. We should ask the Lord to teach us how to pray. 

·             Rom. 8:26, 27. The Holy Spirit presents the prayer of the broken and contrite heart before God in an acceptable manner.

·             Amos 5:4. There is life in earnest prayer. T., v. 6, p. 266; G.C. 621, 622. 

·             Phil. 4:6. We should always thank the Lord for what He has done for us when we present our requests for greater blessings. T., v. 5, p. 317.

Family Prayer

·             Matt. 18:19. The Lord’s word is pledged to answer the united prayer of two or more individuals.

·             Matt. 18:20. As the family of two or more kneel in prayer, it is their privilege to claim the promise of God’s presence with the. T., v. 6, p. 357. 

·             Acts 2:46, 47. A church whose members have daily prayer in their homes will always be a growing church. 

·             Gen. 12:7, 8. Abraham erected a family altar wherever he lived. 

·             Gen. 35:2-4. Jacob gathered his family together for family worship. 

·             Gen. 35:5. A family that is faithful in worship will be respected by their neighbors. 

·             Joshua 24:15. Every Christian should say with Joshua “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” 

·             Job 1:5. Job made offerings for his family continually. 

·             Jer. 10:25. The families that do not have family worship are classed with the heathen. M.H. 392, 393. 

·             Jer. 10:25. The cause of God is “devoured,” “consumed,” and made “desolate” by families that do not honor God sufficiently to have family worship. 

For Whom Should We Pray?

Kings and all in authority, 1 Tim. 2:2. Ministers, 2 Cor. 1:11; Phil 1:19. The church, Ps. 122:6; Isa. 62:6, 7. All saints, Eph. 6:18. All men, 1 Tim. 2:1. Children, Gen. 17:18; Matt. 15:22. Masters, Gen. 24:12-14. Servants, Luke 7:2, 3. Friends, Job 42:8, 10. Fellow-countrymen, Rom. 10:1. The sick, Jas 5:14; T., v. 5, pp. 315, 443. Persecutor, Matt. 5:44. Enemies among whom we dwell, Jer. 29:7. Those who envy us, Num. 12:13. Those who forsake us, 2 Tim. 4:16. Sin of neglecting, 1 Sam. 12:23. {1919 SNH, BHB 72.10}

Postures In Prayer

·             Ps. 95:6. “Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” 

·             Luke 22:41. The Saviour “kneeled down and prayed.” 

·             Acts 20:36. Paul “kneeled down and prayed.” 

·             2 Chron. 6:13. Solomon “kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation” and prayed. 

·             Matt. 26:39. The Saviour when in agony “fell on His face, and prayed.” 

·             1 Chron. 21:16. David when in distress fell upon his face in prayer. G.C. 156, 157. 

·             Joshua 5:14. Joshua fell upon his face and worshiped. 

·             Num. 16:20-22. Moses and Aaron fell upon their faces and prayed. 

·             Mark 11:25. One may stand while praying.

·             Isa. 38:1, 2. Hezekiah prayed while lying in bed. 

·             Isa. 1:15. Some spread forth their hands in praying.

·             Ps. 28:2. The psalmist lifted up his hands toward the heavenly sanctuary when he prayed.

·             Lam. 2:19. Whatever the posture, the heart must be poured out before God.

·             Ps. 66:18. “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” 

·             Prov. 28:9. “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination.”

When prayer delights the least, then learn to say, “Soul, now is greatest need that thou shouldst pray.”